Steamed Coconut Fish
Recipe type: Entree
Author: Christina
Steamed Coconut Fish is a Cambodian food recipe wrapped in cabbage leaves with spices.
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 red onion, chopped
  • 2 inch piece ginger root, grated
  • 1 lemon grass stalk, chopped
  • 1⁄4 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp cayenne or paprika
  • 2 tbsp fish sauce
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 14oz can coconut milk
  • 8 cabbage leaves
  • 1 lb fish fillets, cubed
  • salt to taste
  • foil
  1. In a blender or food processor, puree the garlic, onion, ginger, lemon grass, turmeric, cayenne, fish sauce, sugar, and coconut milk. Heat for about 10 minutes in a pan until thickened, stirring.
  2. Cut out the thick central rib of the cabbage leaves and let the leaves soak in a bowl of boiling water to wilt.
  3. In a bowl, place the fish and salt them lightly; mix in thoroughly half of the hot coconut-spice sauce.
  4. Divide the fish mixture into eight portions.
  5. Place fish mixture in the center of each cabbage leaf and fold the edges over to form parcels. Wrap in foil, sealing tightly.
  6. Steam parcels for 1 hour in a perforated double boiler. About 10 minutes before parcels are done, reheat the remaining sauce.
  7. Pour sauce over each parcel as it is opened.